The Beyond Flexner 2022 Conference provides health professions leaders, practitioners, educators, trainees, and community partners committed to the fight for a more and just equitable healthcare system an outstanding opportunity to present their work, network, advocate, and learn. This conference aims to inspire and empower attendees to enhance health equity within their institutions and communities.

The abstract submission portal is now closed. Notifications on January 11, 2022. Please check your junk/spam folder.

3rd Place

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1st Place

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2nd Place

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Abstract Submission PORTAL IS CLOSED.

Submissions that include the following features are strongly encouraged:

  • Co-authorship by community members and partners
  • Co-authorship with trainees (students, residents, fellows, etc.)
  • Interprofessional and/or interdisciplinary
  • Inclusive of multiple institutions
  • Innovative and/or disruptive
  • Impact-driven
  • Plan to drive discussion and promote interactivity of presentations

Abstracts will be considered for the following session types:

  • Posters
    • Completed research projects highlighting innovative social mission work
    • In-progress research projects will be considered separately
    • Anyone is eligible to submit an abstract for poster presentation, but only submissions by trainees as the primary author (students, residents, and those in training fellowships) will be considered for the poster competition. However, trainees are invited and encouraged to submit abstracts in other categories as well.
  • Oral Presentations: (90-minute total breakout session, 3-4 presentations per panel)
    • Brief 10-minute presentations on a novel program or completed research project with 15-20 minutes of group discussion. The presenter should propose questions/topics for the discussion. (Accepted abstracts will be organized by conference planners into 90-minute total breakout sessions with 2-3 other accepted abstracts).
  • 90-Minute Workshops:
    • Highly interactive workshops led by multiple facilitators that center around skill-building or problem-solving a pressing issue in social mission in health professions education
    • Formal presentations and/or lecture format will be limited to no more than 30 minutes total
  • 3-Hour Workshops:
    • Similar to the 90-Minute workshops, these longer sessions will offer an opportunity for comprehensive skill-building or problem-solving on a specific topic areas related to social mission in health professions education

Themes for the conference include:

  1. Centering Health Professions Education in Community: improving outcomes in the communities we serve through mission, recruitment, educational curriculum, clinical service, and research.
  2. Addressing Racism in Healthcare and Health Professions Education: addressing structural racism and privilege to advance equity, inclusion, and belonging in health professions education.
  3. Engaging with the Global Community: bidirectional engagement to share lessons learned and develop initiatives to address global health equity and social justice, particularly for those impacted by the sequela of COVID-19.
  4. Creating Accountability: advancing measurements, data, research, competencies, funding, and standards to achieve meaningful change.
  5. Engaging in Policy: identifying and advocating for policies to advance social mission, and translating those policies into practice.

All themes relate to the social mission of health professions education. For all themes, BF 2022 is interested in community partnerships that promote social mission; disrupters on issues such as cost of care, cost of drugs, racism, refugees, opioids, pay scale, rural; global issues, programs, and movements; and social mission research priorities, metrics, outcomes, programs, and community engagement.

Examples of workshops include:

  1. Providing training in a social mission-related area (e.g. community organizing, advocacy, evaluation/research methods, etc.)
  2. Sharing a successful effort surrounding social mission and teaching the audience how they can replicate it or adopt its lessons in their own institutions
  3. Hands-on experience with a social mission training tool
  4. Engaging participants to advance their own social mission work (e.g. developing recruitment/admission strategy for diversity, developing health equity and leadership curriculum)
  5. Engaging participants to develop/advance a social mission-related issue

Abstract Submissions

  1. Title
  2. Name of individual(s)
  3. Email
  4. Phone Number
  5. Is the submission lead (select): Student; Resident; Fellowship Trainee; None of the Above
  6. Submission topic area(s), select all that apply: (from bolded areas above)
  7. Relevant health profession(s), select all that apply: (from registration list)
  8. Social Mission Metrics Initiative Area(s), select all that apply
  9. Submitting only for poster presentation? (Y/N)
  10. If not selected for an oral presentation, do you want to be considered for a poster? (Y/N)
  11. A list of keywords (3-5) to help guide reviewers.
  12. A brief description (400 word limit) of the proposed presentation including the expertise of the individual(s) and the relevance of the topic to social mission in health professions education.
  13. Discussion questions/topics (3-5) for an interactive group discussion following the initial 10 minute presentation.

Workshop Submissions

  1. Title
  2. Name of individual(s)
  3. Email
  4. Phone Number
  5. Is the submission lead (select): Student; Resident; Fellowship Trainee; None of the Above
  6. Session Period Request: 90 minute; 2 x 90 minutes (3 hours)
  7. Submission topic area(s), select all that apply (from bolded areas above)
  8. Social Mission Metrics Initiative Area(s), select all that apply
  9. A list of keywords (3-5) to help guide reviewers.
  10. Target Audience(s): Trainees, Faculty, Community Partners, Academic Leaders, Administrators
  11. Relevant health profession(s), select all that apply: (from registration list)
  12. A brief description (650 word limit) of the proposed workshop including clear goals and learning objectives, the expertise of the individual(s) and the relevance of the topic to social mission in health professions education.